sábado, 7 de junio de 2008


To help children when learn a new language teachers should:

  1. Use English in class as the main language for communication.
  2. Use gestures, actions and pictures to help children understand you.
  3. Use gestures, actions and pictures to help children understand you.
  4. Children need to talk in order to learn - let children use their mother tongue for communication especially to star with.
  5. Recast in English what children say to you in their mother tongue.
  6. Answer children in English.
  7. Use their mother tongue for support when you do a new activity or if no one understand.
  8. Talk a lot in English, they need to hear English.


- The more English the children hear, the more they will learn.

- They will learn gradually. Encourage them by responding positively.

- Use their mother tongue for support when you do a new activity.

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