- Start by being firm with students.
- Get silence before you star speaking.
- Know and use students' names.
- Prepare lessons thoroughly.
- Walk around the class.
- Maintain interest and curiosity.
- Speak clearly.
- make sure your instructions are clear.
- Have extra material prepared.
- Look at the class directly when speaking.
- Make work appropriate to pupils age, abilily, cultural background...
- Developed the art of timing you lesson.
- Vary your teaching teachniques.
- Anticipate discipline problems and act quickly.
- Avoid confrontations.
- Clarify fixed rules and standards.
- Show yourself as supporter and helper.
- Use humour.
- Choose topics that will activate students.
- Be warm and frendly.
An interesting web to have a look: http://www.webenglishteacher.com/discipline.html
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