sábado, 31 de mayo de 2008


Azken urteotan, gure eskoletan ingelesa irakasteko proiektu berria ezarri dute. Proiektu hau EAEko eskola publikoetan erabiltzeko egin zuten orain dela urte batzuk, nahiz eta, gaur egun ere eskola guztietan ez erabili.
Proiektu honen arabera, umeek 4 urterekin hasten dira ingelesa ikasten era dinamiko batean.
Nire ustez, irakasle zein ikasleentzako proiektu oso aberasgarria da.

Nik proiektu hau praktiketan nengoenean ezagutzeko aukera izan nuen eta bertako eskolan izandako emaitzak baikorrak izan ziren.
Proiektu honen inguruan informazio zehatzagoa jaso nahi izan ezkero web orrialde honetara jo ezazue.

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008


There are many methods of teaching languages. Some of them are used in schools nowadays, other are not used now, other are only used with some specific things and in other cases teachers use more than one method at the same time.

These are the most important methods when teaching a foreign language in our schools:

- The grammar translation method
- The direct method
- The audio-lingual method
- Communicative language teaching

I have to say that the most common method used in our school is the communicative language teaching method.

martes, 27 de mayo de 2008


It is very dificult to say why, how and when children should start acquiring a second language. After reading different information about this topic, I think that for children is better if they start learning a new langauge in the early stages of learning process. The earliest they start the easier it is going to be learn it. In the society we life nowadays it is neccesary to know more than just one language in order to be able to interact with different people. For that reason children should start learning it as earlier as the can to become good speakers.
Languages are tougth to children using different programs (flex, fles & inmersion) and each of them are used depending on what you want to teach, in what way.
Parents sometimes think that learn a new language can interfere in the learning process of their mother tongue, but in my opinion learning a new language enrich the mother tongue of the children.

If you want to konw more about this topic that I think is very interesting have a look at this page

Another article about this topic: http://www.iteachilearn.com/cummins/mother.htm

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2008


This is more or less the sumary of the process of early language acquisiton

domingo, 18 de mayo de 2008


In my opinion, it is essential to teach a new language with a cultural background in order to learn the foreign language as a whole. What do you think about it? are you agree?

In foreign language learning we can find a lot of components, like grammatical competence, communicative competence, language proficiency, as well as a change attitudes towards different cultures. Foreign language leraning have to be also foreign culture learning, and, culture in my point of view, need totake part in the learning process and teachers should teach it in the foreign language classroom.

If you what to know about some tips for teaching kids a foreign language have a look at this video. http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=yPb6igB9iMc


Jakin nahi baduzue zelan irakatzi irakurtzen ume txikiei bideo hau ikusi. Ingelesez dago baina oso interesgarria da beraz, ikustea pena merezi du : http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=PBdkADXsan8


Nowadays all the chidren and adults also are bilingual, and in our case most of us trilinguals. Children acquire the fists language at the early stages of they live. Some of them also acquire the second language at the same time of the fists one, while others acquire it when they start school. There are many difference between children that acquire the first and the second language at the same time and with children that acquire it later. When children aquire the second langue some stages take part in it.

There is a good article about the opinion of Tabor and Snow that expain all about the process of the second language acquisition that is very good. If you want to look at it go to this page: http://www.headstartinfo.org/English_lang_learners_tkit/Bilingual.htm

I also found a good video about the opinios of some parets about this process. I recomend you to have a look at it because is interesting to enrich our knowledge as future teachers: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=kOxBc-LdrKI

If you want to know how to make the first language acquisition more interesting and entertaining for kids go to this page: http://www.spanishworkshopforchildren.com/immersion/method.htm

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008


Teach a new language like learning it is a hard-work for teachers and students. Learn a new language is not only be able to communicate in that language. To learn it as a whole more important that teach just the langue is to teach the culture of that. For children is important to know how people of that country
address people, express gratitude, make requests, and agree or disagree with someone. When the learn this kind of thing the not get lost when speaking with native people.
Studying the language, children have to gain a knowledge and understanding of the culture of that langue and this is a work that in my oppinion good teacher should have to do. As we are going to be teachers I think that we need to be aware that children learn easier a language if they learn also the behaviour code of that new language. It is important also to include culture in the foreign language curriculum, because it helps avoid the stereotypes. It gives students to take control of their own learning process.


Language is part of culture because humans that use the same language also have more or less the same behaviour code. This code generaly should be exclusive of that language. Taking into account this, I can say that people who have not the same behaviour code are not going to speak the same language.
With this I'm not saying that all the people of one country that speaks the same language are going to act all of the in the same way. With this, what I can explain is that one language implies one culture, and all the people of that culture are going to have the say traditions and ways to live and do things.
As we soon are going to be English teachers, I found it neccesary to transfert this topic into the educational system. At the same time that we are teaching the language, we also have to introduce the culture of that place in order to children learn the language as a whole.

This is an intereating book that explain how to teach a language and cultue to chilndren: http://www.cambridge.org/elt/elt_projectpage.asp?id=2500493

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2008


Learn a new language always is a hard-work for everybody. Learning a new language implies to take time and also effort. But somtimes is essential and becomes neccesary to learn a new language. Above are some reasons people use to learn a language.

  • Emigration
  • Family and friend

  • Work

  • Study or research

  • Travel
  • Studying aboard

  • Secret communication

  • Required course

  • Revitalizing or reviving your language

  • Culture

  • Religion
  • Challenging yourself

  • Sounds/looks good to me

If you want to know something more about this topic and some reasons more about why people should start learning a new language go and have a look at this page.


I can say that language is a system of different element such as symbols or visuals that are used to communicate. This kind of method is always refered to humans, but other animals also use a kind of language to niteract with each other.

We all learn language, but there is something deeply mysterious about language even though we can learn to use it. All of language is "something" standing for "something else". A same word has a different meaning for each person, so one word may have different neanings depending on the culture of that person.

To summarize, I can say that language is more than just communication, it is the primary method people use to communicate together. There are four different stages in language:

  • Communication: It's a one-way communication in order to send a message.
  • Conversation: It's a two-way communication where both sides fell they understood.
  • Collaboration: it implies thinking, planning and making decisions.
  • Co-creation: It¡s a joint activity in order to make and do.

domingo, 11 de mayo de 2008


Blog honetan "Early language teaching" edo "ingelez sarrera goiztiarrari" buruz idatziko dut. Kontutan izanda atzerriko hizkuntza ikasten nagoela, gai hau interesgarria dela iruditzen zait eta honi buruz idaztea erabaki dut.

Besterik gabe, blog honetan idatziko dudana zuentzako interesgarria izatea espero dut.



Nire izena Sheila Manrique da eta 21 urte dauzkat. Mungikoa naiz eta Arangoitiko magisteritza eskolan ikasten dut.
Aurten Atzerriko hizkuntzako 3. mailan nago eta ekainean karrerarekin bukatzea espero dut, nahiz eta oso zaila izan, jeje.

Karrera honekin bukatzerakoan haur hezkuntza ikastea pentsatu dut, umeak guztokoak ditudalako eta practicum IIan eurekin lan egiteko aukera izan dudanez osos gustora ibili naizelako.

Besterik gabe, nire bloga gustokoa izatea espero dut.