sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008


Teach a new language like learning it is a hard-work for teachers and students. Learn a new language is not only be able to communicate in that language. To learn it as a whole more important that teach just the langue is to teach the culture of that. For children is important to know how people of that country
address people, express gratitude, make requests, and agree or disagree with someone. When the learn this kind of thing the not get lost when speaking with native people.
Studying the language, children have to gain a knowledge and understanding of the culture of that langue and this is a work that in my oppinion good teacher should have to do. As we are going to be teachers I think that we need to be aware that children learn easier a language if they learn also the behaviour code of that new language. It is important also to include culture in the foreign language curriculum, because it helps avoid the stereotypes. It gives students to take control of their own learning process.

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